For those not familiar with the Kano Analysis, there are three types of features or needs. This is more easily depicted in below picture:
User Stories: Lack of Big Picture Leads to Blind Man Product
Having said that, overdo it and the tables are turned. Fret too much over ‘focus’ and what could have been a blessing may become your curse.
Here’s why:
Analyse this picture. Highly focused teams (teams seeing project from sprint to sprint) may well become blind to the big picture perspective.
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How to Use Sprint Burndown Chart in Daily Stand-up and Sprint Retrospective
This chart summarise overall how team is doing? Every impediment, every challenge team faced, colloboration issues etc all get summarised in this chart. Teams need to update the tasks with time remaining in hours to get this chart. Scrum Master prints and analyses this updated Burndown before daily stand-up and brings it to the meeting.
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Product Owner Role in Sprint Review(Sprint Demo)
Sprint Review meeting facilitates developing a successful product. Hence it is a very good avenue for scrum team to directly interact with stakeholder to get their perspective. Product Owner(PO) who is responsible for overall product should facilitate having all the stakeholders like Marketing, Sales, Senior management, End Users to the demo.
In my last post where-in I discussed about Product Owner responsibility of Accepting or Rejecting user stories as and when it gets DONE. Only accepted stories will go to Sprint Demo. Product Owner kicks-off Sprint review meeting where-in he compares product increment(accepted stories) with current sprint goal to the stakeholders.
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Should Teams Go for Multiple Demos within a Sprint?
I strongly believe in the principle that if you see value in doing something, then do it more often like testing, frequent code commits etc.
Sprint end demo should NOT be the place where you are showcasing the product for the first time to your Product Owner(PO). You Should or Must go for more informal demos all through out the sprint. Product owner should be able to see what is being built all through out the sprint rather than just end of the sprint. Ideally if your user stories are small then you should be able to finish them after very couple of days.
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